Hereford breed shows excellent quality at 2014 Midland Bull Test
Hereford bulls in lots 1100 through 1112 will sell on April 3 after the Red Angus and South Devon bulls.
Hereford ADG Leaders
Topping the average daily gain (ADG) category for the Herefords was lot 1112 with an ADG ratio of 131. Lot 1112 is consigned by McDonnell Herefords of Columbus, Mont. He is a son of PHH PCC 812 True Grit 002 with EPDs of BW 3.0, WW 58, M 25, YW 90, a RFI of 1.44 and an Efficiency Ratio of 121.
Tied for second with ADG ratios of 129 are lots 1105 and 1104.
Lot 1105 is consigned by Locust Hill Farm of Middleburg, Va. He is a son of Boyd 3136N Payweight 0214 with EPDs of BW 1.8, WW 45, M 26, YW 71, a RFI of -1.18 and an Efficiency Ratio of 124.
Lot 1104 is consigned by Locust Hill Farm of Middleburg, Va. He is a son of Boyd 3136N Payweight 0214 with EPDs of BW 1.8, WW 45, M 26, YW 71, a RFI of 0.99 and an Efficiency Ratio of 117.
Also consigned by Locust Hill Farm of Middleburg, Va., the third place finisher for Herefords in the ADG category is lot 1103, with an ADG ratio of 128. He is a son HCC Legacy S01 with EPDs of BW 4.5, WW 54, M 22, YW 86, a RFI of -1.86 and an Efficiency Ratio of 126.
Hereford WDA Leaders
Leading the weight per day of age (WDA) category for Herefords is lot 1112 with a WDA of 3.33. Lot 1112 is consigned by McDonnell Herefords of Columbus, Mont. He is a son of PHH PCC 812 True Grit 002 with EPDs of BW 3.0, WW 58, M 25, YW 90, a RFI of 1.44 and an Efficiency Ratio of 121.
In second is lot 1105 with a WDA of 2.96. Consigned by Locust Hill Farm of Middleburg, Va., he is a son of Boyd 3136N Payweight 0214 with EPDs of BW 1.8, WW 45, M 26, YW 71, a RFI of -1.18 and an Efficiency Ratio of 124.
Rounding out the WDA top finishers in the Hereford division, lot 1110 came in third with a WDA 2.94. Lot 1110 is consigned by McDonnell Herefords of Columbus, Mont. He is a son of GHC Never Look Back ET30N with EPDs of BW 4.9, WW 55, M 17, YW 90, a RFI of 0.34 and an Efficiency Ratio of 113.