Top set of Red Angus bulls completes 2014 Midland Bull Test
Two sets of Red Angus bulls also completed the 2014 Midland Bull Test – a Green Tag and White Tag Group.
The Green Tag bulls are low birth weight bulls with an actual birth weight of less than 85 pounds and a BW EPD under -1.1. The Yellow Tag bulls have an actual birth weight over 84 pounds or a BW EPD over -1.0.
On April 3, the Red Angus Bull Sale will begin at 12 noon. Lots 700 through 755 represent the high-quality Red Angus seedstock available.
ADG Leaders
Red Angus Green Tag
Dominating the Red Angus Green Tag division in the Average Daily Gain (ADG) category was Haycow of Lincoln, Calif. They consigned all five of the top placing bulls.
In first is lot 740, with an ADG ratio of 126. Lot 740, a son of RedBCC Crimson Jewels 102U, shows EPDs of BW -4.9, WW 42, M 18, YW 64, a RFI of 2.34 and an Efficiency Ratio of 123.
The remaining four bulls are all sired by Red Get Along Wander 905.
In second, lot 745 posted an ADG ratio of 121 and EPDs of BW -0.3, WW 62, M 9, YW 86, a RFI of 4.63 and an Efficiency Ratio of 108.
In third is lot 746, with an ADG ratio of 118 and EPDs of BW -2.1, WW 55, M 13, YW 77, a RFI of 0.30 and an Efficiency Ratio of 110.
Lot 734 came in fourth with an ADG ratio of 117 and EPDs of BW -2.3, WW 48, M 18, YW 74, a RFI of 1.22 and an Efficiency Ratio of 111.
An ADG ratio of 115 from lot 742 came in fifth. The bull has EPDs of BW -3.2, WW 57, M 16, YW 86, a RFI of 3.30 and an Efficiency Ratio of 97.
Red Angus Yellow Tag
In the Yellow Tag division for the ADG category, Lot 705 was the leader with an ADG Ratio of 122. Consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont., he is a son of Holden Slam Dunk 134 with EPDs of BW -0.4, WW 61, M 17, YW 102, a RFI of -2.89 and an Efficiency Ratio of 116.
Two bulls, lots 724 and 715, tied for second with ADG ratios of 109.
Lot 724 is consigned by Morel Red Angus of Valier, Mont. He is a son of Beckton Epic R397 K.
Lot 715 is consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont. He is a son of Holden 1000 with EPDs of BW -1.2, WW 59, M 21, YW 89 and a RFI of -1.72 with an Efficiency Ratio of 113.
In third was lot 704 with an ADG ratio of 104. Also consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont., he is a son of Holden Slam Dunk 134 with EPDs of BW -0.3, WW 65, M 15, YW 109, a RFI of -0.39 and an Efficiency Ratio of 117.
Lot 753, consigned by Flatiron Red Angus of Veteran, came in fourth. He is a son of Beckton Epic R397 K with EPDs of BW 0.1, WW 66, M 16, YW 106, a RFI of 2.17 and an Efficiency Ratio of 99.
Double Tree Red Angus of Sand Coulee, Mont. consigned lot 721, the fifth-high ADG ratio, coming in at 98. Lot 721 is a son of Feddes Montana X44 with EPDs of BW -0.7, WW 71, M 20, YW 104, a RFI of -1.73 and an Efficiency Ratio of 104.
WDA Leaders
Red Angus Green Tag
Also dominating the Red Angus Green Tag division in the weight per day of age (WDA) category was Haycow of Lincoln, Calif. They consigned all of the top placings.
In first is lot 733 with a WDA of 3.89. Lot 733 is a son of RedBCC Crimson Jewels 102U with EPDs of BW -3.8, WW 42, M 22, YW 66, a RFI of 1.69 and an Efficiency Ratio of 104.
Lot 751 came in second with a WDA of 3.86. A son of Haycow Cher Pine 711, the bull has EPDs of BW -0.8, WW 55, M 10, YW 74, a RFI of 3.53 and an Efficiency Ratio of 96.
Coming in at third is lot 748 with a WDA of 3.83, is a son of Haycow Cher Pine 711. He has EPDs of BW -0.9, WW 58, M 14, YW 80, a RFI of 0.26 and an Efficiency Ratio of 105.
A son of Red Get Along Wander 905, lot 742, came in at fourth with a WDA of 3.78. Lot 742 is a son of Red Get Along Wander 905 with EPDs of BW -3.2, WW 57, M 16, YW 86, a RFI of 3.30 and an Efficiency Ratio of 97.
Lots 743 and 746 tied for fifth with WDAs of 3.76.
A son of Fraser Cash 227, lot 743, has EPDs of BW -1.7, WW 52, M 14, YW 82 and a RFI of 1.82 and an Efficiency Ratio of 99.
Lot 746 is a son of Red Get Along Wander 905, with EPDs of BW -2.1, WW 55, M 13, YW 77, a RFI of 0.30 and an Efficiency Ratio of 110.
Red Angus Yellow Tag
In the Yellow Tag Division for the WDA category, lot 705 was the leader with a WDA of 3.65. Lot 705 is consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont. He is a son of Holden Slam Dunk 134 with EPDs of BW -0.4, WW 61, M 17, YW 102, a RFI of -2.89 and an Efficiency Ratio of 116.
In second was lot 721 with a WDA of 3.48. Consigned by Double Tree Red Angus of Sand Coulee, Mont., he is a son of Feddes Montana X44 with EPDs of BW -0.7, WW 71, M 20, YW 104, a RFI of -1.73 and an Efficiency Ratio of 104.
Consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont., lot 702, with a WDA of 3.45, took third. He is a son of Holden Slam Dunk 134 with EPDs of BW -1.5, WW 65, M 25, YW 107, a RFI of 1.13 and an Efficiency Ratio of 95.
Lot 715 took the fourth place spot with a WDA of 3.39. Lot 715 is also consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont. He is a son of Holden 1000 with EPDs of BW -1.2, WW 59, M 21, YW 89, a RFI of -1.72 and an Efficiency Ratio of 113.
Rounding out the WDA leaders in fifth is lot 704 with a WDA of 3.38. Consigned by Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont., he is a son of Holden Slam Dunk 134 with EPDs of BW -0.3, WW 65, M 15, YW 109, a RFI of -0.39 and an Efficiency Ratio of 117.
Red Angus ADG Sire Group
Leading the way in the Red Angus Sire Group category for ADG is a pen of bulls from Haycow of Lincoln, Calif. Lots 742, 745 and 746 combined to average 3.99 ADG. They are sired by Red Get Along Wander 905.
The second place sire group consisted of lots 734, 739 and 740 with an average ADG of 3.86. Also consigned by Haycow of Lincoln, Calif., they are sired by Red BCC Crimson Jewels 1026.
Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont.’s sire group, including lots 703, 704 and 705, came in third with an average ADG of 3.71. They are sired by Holden Slam Dunk 134.
Fourth belonged to lots 748, 749 and 751 with an average ADG of 3.47. They were consigned by Haycow of Lincoln, Calif. and sired by Haycow Cher Pine 711.
Red Angus WDA Sire Group
Haycow of Lincoln, Calif. saw continued success in their consignment of the top three WDA sire groups.
In first was a pen of bulls sired by Red BCC Crimson Jewels 1026. Lots 733, 736 and 740 combined for an average WDA of 3.74.
In second were lots 742, 746 and 747 with an average WDA of 3.73. They were sired by Red Get Along Wander 905.
The third group was sired by Haycow Cher Pine 711. Lots 748, 750 and 751 had an average WDA 3.69.
Rounding out the WDA sire groups was Holden Ranch of Reedpoint, Mont. with lots 701, 703 and 705. Sired by Holden Slam Dunk 134, their average WDA was 3.59.