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Godfrey receives honors

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Worland High School (WHS) Ag Science and Business Teacher Grace Godfrey was honored as the Wyoming Vocational Ag Teachers’ Association Teacher of the Year.

As a state award winner, Godfrey is eligible for the National Association of Agriculture Educators Teacher of the Year, which will be announced next month.

“It is an honor. We’re selected by our region to fill out the paperwork, and it is nice to think my peers think I’m doing a good job,” Godfrey said.

WHS Principal Wade Sanford wrote in his nomination support letter, “It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation in support for Grace Godfrey as a candidate for the Wyoming Vocational Agriculture Teachers’ Association (WVATA) Outstanding Ag Ed Teacher. In her time at Worland High School, she has transformed the FFA program into one of the most consistent and highest performing in the state. Through her dedication and tireless efforts, our students have had countless opportunities and successes in activities not thought of or attempted when I arrived in Worland in the fall of 2000.”

“It has been a pleasure to observe her grow the program as well as her students within the program. Mrs. Godfrey is giving of her time with students. She is a tireless worker, putting in extraordinary hours with students outside of class and instructional time,” Sanford continued.

He concluded, “In 25 years as an educator and my 13th as an administrator, I can say instructors such as Mrs. Godfrey are very rare. She is a positive model for students and realizes her conduct, behavior and demeanor outside of the school building are just as important to model for students as her behavior within the building. Mrs. Godfrey has incredibly high personal, professional and ethical standards for herself and transitions those expectations to her classroom and FFA programs for her student and program members.”

Godfrey has served as a WVATA officer in the past and presented at numerous regional and national conventions. She currently serves on the Perkins V Advisory Council.

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