Harvest Time in Old Wyoming
Historical reproductions by Dick Perue
According to several articles in the Sept. 26, 1918 issue of The Saratoga Sun, grain harvesting was going on throughout the Upper North Platte River Valley as reported in the following Short Stories column.
Grain threshing was in progress at the Canary Ranch for a few days at the first of the week. B.A. Lee was in charge of the work.
Robert Corpening has been hauling in wheat for several days from his ranch in the upper Cedar Creek country. He raised a considerable quantity and has found ready sale for practically all of it for seed, many farmers of the valley having made preparations to plant some acreage to wheat this fall.
Ira Wiant has completed the cement work in the basement of the building recently purchased to house his flourmill and has things pretty well in readiness for the machinery and elevators. He is now building grain, flour bins and other necessary fixtures and arranging for the installation of a feed mill. He expects to do custom grinding for farmers and others. He will also handle feed of all kinds at retail at the mill.
Casper families without flour
Because they are charged with having wasted wheat flour substitutes, the families of A. and S. Stone of Casper will be compelled to live during the remainder of the war exclusively on wheat substitutes because they were wasteful of the amount of substitutes allotted to them under the general food ruling.
Complaints were made to the food commissioners that the Stones had left several sacks of substitutes out of doors to be spoiled by the elements. The women claimed to the local food administrator the products were wormy but analysis disproved their statement, and State Food Administrator Diers closed the case by forbidding merchants to sell flour to the Stones.
Champion oak field
According to an article in the Sept. 14, 1911, issue of the Grand Encampment Herald, Charles Terwilliger claims to have the champion oat field of Wyoming on his ranch a couple of miles east of Encampment. All who have seen the crop admit his claim is well founded.
S.E. Phelps went out and took several photos of the field as it was being harvested last week, and these photos may be reproduced in the Herald soon.
It is a most remarkable grain exhibit and should capture some of the capital prizes if exhibited with the Wyoming exhibits at the eastern land shows.