Logan to be inducted into the HOF

Retiring Wyoming State Veterinarian Dr. Jim Logan has served livestock producers across the state – and nation – for many years in a number of capacities. Throughout his career, Jim played a key role in developing animal disease regulations, provided common sense approaches to animal health issues, and above all, worked with a passion for agriculture.
In recognition of Jim’s great works and enthusiasm for the agriculture industry, he has been selected for induction into the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame (HOF) Class of 2021.
“Dedication to the agriculture industry through veterinary medicine defines Jim’s career,” shares the nominating committee. “His desire to work through difficult animal health regulatory issues, promote the Wyoming livestock industry from both within and outside of the state, educate producers and develop a deep-seated passion for agriculture in the youth of Wyoming, as well as over 20 years with the Wyoming Livestock Board deem Jim deserving of this honor.”
Dedication to animal health
Jim began his veterinary journey at the University of Wyoming in 1969, and earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Colorado State University in 1975. At this time, he returned home to Riverton to practice veterinary medicine with Doug McLean, opening his own practice in 1981.
Protecting both livestock and producers with a common-sense approach placed Jim on many working groups and regulatory boards. According to nominators, Jim played a key role in the development of current Wyoming Brucellosis Designated Surveillance Area regulations to increase trust in the sale of Wyoming cattle. He also worked to revise language in the Code of Federal Regulations pertaining to brucellosis eradication and control.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinarian Morgan Hennessey says, “Jim has established working relationships with producers in Wyoming to ensure control of brucellosis within a designated surveillance area around the Greater Yellowstone Area, and these relationships have ensured testing and management for brucellosis have occurred using a common-sense approach in the best interest of Wyoming cattle producers.”
Jim’s long list of service includes activity and leadership positions within the U.S. Animal Health Association (USAHA), the American Veterinary Medical Association, Wyoming Veterinary Medical Association, the Wyoming Livestock Board, American Sheep Industry Association, USDA APHIS National animal Health Surveillance System Steering Committee, Wyoming Wool Growers Association and Western States Livestock Health Association.
“As a veterinarian in private practice and in administrative leadership capacities, Jim has made livestock management issues and concerns manageable and comprehensible and can always be found providing resolutions to ongoing developments,” notes Mark Eisele. “Jim is well respected and admired by veterinarians and livestock practitioners locally, statewide, around the Intermountain West and nationally. His dedication is unlike any other in veterinary medicine and animal welfare that I have seen.”
Livestock promotion and passion for agriculture
In addition to serving in many positions to enhance animal health, Jim has shown his dedication to the promotion of livestock, especially sheep, for many years. Nominators share through raising his own livestock, and pursuing similar adventures with his daughters, Jim has supported 4-H and FFA tirelessly.
Betsy Milek, Jim’s daughter, shares, “He would diligently and patiently work with us and our 4-H friends to prepare us to fit and show our sheep at the fair. He also served on the Fremont County 4-H Council, and has always been willing to help the 4-H kids in any way possible, from writing out health certificates or doctoring animals to giving animal health lectures or being a narrator for the annual 4-H Fashion Revue.”
Wyoming Livestock Board Director Steve True shares, “Jim has given his career to the livestock industry, not only of Wyoming, but the nation as a whole. He has been an exemplary representative of Wyoming at events, conferences, conventions and in the dirt and mud of corrals.”
Eisele adds, “Jim’s experience, knowledge and humble way of explaining issues to agricultural producers, the general public and outside industry is the best that Wyomingites could have ever asked for. Jim is proving he will always have the Wyoming animal and livestock industry health at heart.”
Jim says, “I have been privileged and blessed to have been allowed to work with the Wyoming livestock industry all of my veterinary career, for 27 years in veterinary practice and since 1998 working for the Wyoming Livestock Board in regulatory veterinary medicine. I have a great deal of respect, admiration and affection for livestock producers and the animals they raise. I have many friends in the industry and I look forward to continuing to work with them in some capacity, even after retirement.”
Dr. Jim Logan, alongside Keith and Linda Hamilton, will be inducted into the Wyoming Agriculture Hall of Fame at the ceremony and picnic set for Aug. 18, 5 p.m. at Riverside Park in Douglas.
Averi Hales is the editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to roundup@wylr.net.