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Washer, Ironer Week Observed Nationally

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Thus read an article in the Oct. 25, 1938 Rawlins Republican-Bulletin with the page of advertising included as promised. 

This week, Oct. 23-29 inclusive, is National Washer and Ironer Week. The week is being published over the radio, in magazine and newspaper advertisements and stories.

Several of the local dealers of electrical supplies and equipment, especially those who handle the various makes of ironers and washers, are tying in with the national observances. This special issue of the Republican-Bulletin will be found on a special page tie-in, the advertisers being the Rawlins Electrical League, H. Rasmussen, Inc., Rawlins Norge Appliance Shop, Maytag Shop, Household Appliance Shop, Rawlins Electric Appliance Shop, Gambles Store Agency and H. Larsen Hardware. We urge our readers to look over this page and to read every advertisement contained therein.

Included in the new models of washer and ironers are every improvement and convenience. Washing and ironing days are different than they used to be – even as compared to two, three and four years ago. In the “old day,” which includes up to the last year, wash day was dreaded by the housewife. 

It meant spending almost all day over the tub or trying to manipulate an old-fashioned washing machine. By evening she was a wreck – both mentally and physically. Ironing day was just as bad.

Now, washing and ironing are included in the day’s routine of lighter tasks. The machines do most of the work, some of them being almost human in their handling of the various operations.

There is no need to dread washing and ironing in this day and age of machinery. We do not still continue to travel with the horse and buggy – why should the housewife continue to do her work with an old-fashioned washing machine and iron?

This week, let the electrical appliance dealer show you how you can change, how little it costs to do so and how much hard work, effort, time and energy can be saved.

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