Bad Winter of 1917
By Dick Perue
Warm weather and sunshine prevail as this “Postcard” is being written, but the forecast calls for more winter of 2023 which has hit most of Wyoming and looks like it will continue.
However, according to the April 26, 1917 issue of The Encampment Record, winter dominated through April. A news item noted:
The following article was taken from the Mountain States Monitor, published monthly by the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company of Denver. It reads:
Our exchanges at Saratoga and Encampment – though small – have, through the able management of Miss Jessie Moore of Saratoga and Mrs. Helen Butler of Encampment, played a large part in maintaining good, telephone service and keeping the Upper Platte Valley in touch with the rest of the state.
Although located on a railroad, these two towns have been isolated since early in January, at which time the S. and E. railroad was snowed under, and all attempts to open it since then have proven futile.
Since the closing of this railroad, these places have not been receiving any shipments of freight or express, and until recently, the mail was received but once a week, this being relayed by sled from Walcott, a distance of 30 miles to Saratoga and 50 miles to Encampment.
There have been very few days this winter where the mercury has gotten above zero.
A little four-year-old boy in Saratoga was lost on the afternoon of Feb. 28 and when found that evening, was frozen standing in a crevice in a large snow drift.
With the coming of the spring thaw, an attempt will be made to dig out the S. and E. railroad and again place Saratoga and Encampment on the map.
Today, of course, some member of our “Old Geezers Coffee Klatch” just had to remark, “Good to see the snow since we sure need the moisture.” Supporting this sentiment was the April 26, 1917 issue of the Record, in which headlines proclaimed, “Good Crops This Year” and “Plenty of Snow Assures Plenty of Water for Irrigation” . . . but then, that’s another “Postcard.”