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The Charm of ‘Old Glory’

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

by Dick Perue

The Postcard this week comes to us from the June 14, 1918 issue of  The Shawnee Record

May we all be inspired by the following words and be proud to fly the American flag every day, but especially on Flag Day – June 14. We salute you, Old Glory.

When Freedom was born, ’mid oppression and strife,

her halo was blazon’ed in hues of the sky,

with stripes for the struggles and duties of life

and stars for the light of Jehovah on High.

Now, in peace and in war, that fair emblem of yore,

we salute as “Old Glory,” the flag we adore.

May that “Star Spangled Banner” in glory e’er wave

o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Its cheerful red glow warms the blood from brave sires

and sparkles for courage for ardor and might;

its rippling white stripes glint the light that inspires

when freedom and duty in service unite,

and its heavenly blue, with the stars shining thru,

heralds union and strength for the faithful and true.

May that “Star Spangled Banner” for righteousness wave

o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

When Washington’s men, with great perils to face,

were crudely equip’d and in dire distress

the charm of “Old Glory,” its promise and grace,

brought chivalrous aid and insured our success.

To old foes and old friends now “Old Glory” extends

the support that our freedom, in power, defends.

May that “Star Spangled Banner” in honor e’er wave

o’er the chivalrous land and the home of the brave.

Wherever that flag proudly floats in the haze

of havoc and conflict between right and might,

Its many new stars and the cheers of their ray

should brighten the sky for the Allies of Right.

May its radiance be shed and in triumph be spread

over all in the valorous service ahead;

and the “Star Spangled Banner” forever shall wave

o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


’Mid the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

may “Old Glory” inspire all the brave “over there.”

–W. J. Chambers in Milwaukee Sentinel

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