State Fair Success: 111th Wyoming State Fair has another successful year

Youth exhibitors, ranching families, ag enthusiasts and guests from all walks of life gathered in Douglas Aug. 15-19 for Wyoming’s premier summer event – the 111th Wyoming State Fair (WSF).
Among many familiar favorites – twinkling carnival lights, Jackalope Catering’s delectable BBQ, shopping opportunities on the Midway and barns full of high-quality livestock – WSF also debuted a few new attractions this year.
For the first time, fairgoers had the opportunity to witness the thrill of a Figure-8 Race, celebrate champion youth exhibitors during the new and improved Champion of Champion’s Showcase, cheer on future rodeo athletes during the World Champion Mutton Bustin’ and deep dive into Wyoming’s agriculture industry through WSF’s Everyday Ag promotion.
Additionally, with the help of a local working group, WSF brought back the popular Ranch Rodeo; the crowd-pleasing Demolition Derby celebrated its 40th anniversary; Shakey Shadwick closed the curtain on his renowned Sheep Wagon Show and youth exhibitors finally got to show off months of hard work.
Positive compliments on the fair’s success are still resounding throughout the state.
See page eight for highlights from the 2023 WSF and pages 10-12 to view this year’s state fair champions.
For full fair results, visit