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Wyoming producers awarded

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

During the National Red Angus Convention in Denver on Sept. 13-15, John and Tana Kinchen of Kaycee were presented with the Red Angus Association of America’s (RAAA) 2023 Commercial Producer of the Year Award. 

According to an article published in Northern Ag Network on Sept. 20, “The Kinchen family has been ranching in Wyoming since 1884. A century later, in 1984, John purchased his first registered Red Angus cow from Beckton Red Angus. He had always like red-haired cattle and was enthusiastic about everything the Red Angus breed had to offer.” 

Today, John, Tana and their two sons, Taylor and Joe, still raise Red Angus cattle on their ranch, located along the Powder River.

The family utilizes the diverse landscape of northeast Wyoming throughout the year – cottonwood trees on the river provide protection during calving season, rough draws offer an oasis during winter months and open flats allow cattle to graze during the summer. 

They also irrigate hay meadows, which they harvest to use during the winter.

Females on the Kinchen Ranch are selected with a focus on dam fertility, longevity, maternal instinct, structure and disposition. The Kinchen’s pair their cows with sires boasting high-growth and high-carcass genetics. 

Additionally, the family is actively involved in RAAA’s Feeder Calf Certification Program, which has helped them increase the marketability of their calves since 2008.

“Our veterinarian purchased one fat beef from us and soon came back, offering to buy 20 more because the meat quality was so high,” Tana said during her acceptance speech. “I attribute a lot of this to the Red Angus breed.”

While presenting the family with their award, Bob Morton of Green Mountain Red Angus, located in Three Forks, Mont., commented, “The Kinchen family has great enthusiasm for the Red Angus breed and RAAA’s commercial marketing programs. One of the greatest attributes John brings to the table is his excitement to pass his knowledge and love of Red Angus to the next generation.”

Hannah Bugas is the managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to

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