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Postcard from the Past: Let’s Pretend We’re Cowboys

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Summer brings a rash of cowboy gatherings, rodeos, ranch events, cowboy music and poetry outings. And best of all, it brings a flood of memories of years past when cowboys were cowboys and family gatherings were something special.

Today, it seems many folks call themselves cowboys but have never rode the range or punched a cow. Others recall the past with a tall tale, a “windy,” old photographs or a poem.

A lot of Wyoming folks will relate with this poem by Roy Welton of Saratoga. 

Let’s Pretend We’re Cowboys

By Roy Welton

Let’s pretend we’re cowboys

and ride the range
once more,

and wear our hat – big at that –

just like we did before.

Hoop and holler driving cows

and swinging our ropes at heels,

spurring our horse through the creek

and remember how
  it feels!

Eat some dust till sundown

and get so tired we

slappin’ leather and fightin’ weather

the memories tell it all!

Stop for grub on a hillside

and gaze at the flats

red cows on green grass

and then, you’ll begin
to know. Why you still remember

the days when you
were young,

driving a team, while you dream

over a wagon tongue.

As time slipped by somewhere

we still miss the coy-
ote call.

Let’s pretend we’re cowboys,

for a day – let’s just recall!

Others recall cowboy and Western history and tradition through cowboy poetry and music, which will be featured at the 22nd Annual Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering July 19-21 in Encampment. But then, that’s another story to be told next week.

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