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Alternative forage presents challenges and opportunities

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

On June 28, Western Landowners Alliance (WLA)  convened the second webinar in their ongoing Summer Water Webinar Series. The program covered the challenges and opportunities associated with growing alternative forages and experimenting with drought-resilient crops. 

Greg Peterson of the Colorado Ag Water Alliance (CAWA); Landan Wilson of Montezuma County, Colorado and Phil Brink of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Association shared their knowledge and experience. 

Alternative forage and why it matters to the West

With over 50 percent of water in the Colorado River Basin dedicated to growing forage for livestock, the potential impact of alternative crops on the region’s drought resilience is immense. 

As Western lands grapple with ongoing drought, it becomes increasingly clear solutions must focus on doing more with less water. 

The recent alternative forage webinar highlighted the research and lessons associated with these drought-resilient forage varieties planted in an effort to sustain producers through years of water shortage. 

These discussions are critical not only for understanding the farm and soil-level implications but also for addressing the broader challenges associated with water management decisions. 

Drought resiliency projects in Colorado 

Peterson, the executive director of CAWA, opened the webinar by highlighting their recent work in distributing funds to farmers and ranchers to explore innovative agricultural practices, including those related to growing drought-resilient crops. Other projects cover various needs, including soil practices, livestock management and innovative irrigation techniques. 

Peterson emphasized the importance of these projects in areas facing severe water shortages, such as the Rio Grande, Republican River Basin and parts of the Western Slope. These initiatives aim to provide farmers with the tools and resources needed to adapt to changing water availability and maintain productive agricultural practices. 

One notable example is the work being done in Grand County, Colorado, where local irrigators are combating the dominance of smooth brome grass in high-elevation meadows. By using heavy equipment to disrupt the sod layer, they are planting warm-season grasses and other crops on a large scale, demonstrating a proactive approach to enhancing species diversity and improving forage quality. 

Lessons from the farm 

Wilson shared his experiences experimenting with alternative forages to cope with water shortages. 

Wilson and his father Brian farm 2,000 acres, primarily alfalfa, which they ship to dairies in Texas and New Mexico. They would prefer to sell their crop locally, but there are no large buyers – feedlots, dairies, etc. – in Southern Colorado. 

The recent years of inconsistent water supply prompted them to explore crops requiring less water but providing similar returns. 

The Wilsons’ irrigation water allocation from the Dolores Project is measured in acre-inches, referred to as inches, with their full allocation measuring 22 inches. In 2021, severe drought meant they only received 1.7 inches of water, drastically reducing their irrigation capabilities. 

Brian remarked in 2002, the previous worst drought year he had experienced, they still received more than six inches of water.

In response, they experimented with alternative forages such as wheat, barley and oats, which require less water than alfalfa. Despite the lower yields compared to alfalfa, these forages proved to be a viable option, allowing them to continue farming without investing in new equipment. 

Financial analysis revealed while alfalfa remains more profitable, the alternative forages provided a crucial lifeline during drought years despite the troubles of sourcing buyers for their product. 

Their experience also highlighted the supply chain barriers to more “permanent” crop-switching – while they had hoped switching to grain crops for direct human consumption – i.e. wheat – would be financially viable, a shortage of local buyers and processors and storage infrastructure meant they had to take the price offered when the crop was ready, less than the forage crop prices they could get from dairies.  

Improving species

diversity and soil health

Brink provided an in-depth look at a specific drought resilience project aimed at improving species diversity and soil health in high mountain meadows. This project focuses on addressing the challenges posed by smooth brome grass, which forms dense mats limiting soil diversity and productivity. 

Brink detailed the process of using heavy tillage to disrupt the sod-bound conditions, followed by planting interim crops to enhance species diversity. The project objectives include improving drought resilience, increasing yield and maintaining high-quality forage while potentially reducing fertilizer needs. 

Initial results showed promising signs of increased species diversity and improved soil conditions. However, the project also highlighted the complexity of managing soil health and the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptation. 

Brink emphasized the importance of a holistic approach, incorporating soil tests and samples to guide fertilization practices and ensure optimal crop performance. 

No silver bullet

Alfalfa production has become something of a bogeyman for Colorado River watchers, because the crop is notoriously “thirsty.” But, farmers insist it is a “good crop” and for good reasons – it grows reliably with few non-water inputs in the region’s harsh climate, fixes nitrogen in the soil, has ready and profitable markets in U.S. dairies and feedlots and can be baled and stored until prices are right. 

Still, drought pressure in recent years has pushed many farmers to experiment with less water-intensive crops. Longer-term shifts which could be counted on to make more water available to other users in the basin will require considerable changes to agricultural markets and infrastructure beyond any individual farm family to address. 

The impacts of crop switches and irrigation changes on soil health, local precipitation patterns, wildlife and river systems is also just beginning to be studied directly and results so far have varied widely based on conditions and locations. In other words, alternative forage crops are likely to be part but not all or even most of adaptation strategies to a drier, more water-stretched West. 

Up next 

In the next webinar in the series, the WLA will tackle another hot topic in the water world – how do the West’s headwaters forests effect the water balance in the region’s rivers and landscapes? 

Attendees will hear about the Headwaters of the Colorado Initiative’s (HOC) efforts to enhance watershed health and learn how the intersection of healthy forests and rivers can benefit all water users. 

Those who are looking for ways to get involved in their own watershed or are curious to know how other landowners are improving theirs can join the panel and gain insights into the science, partnerships and projects of a regional watershed collaborative.   

Jake Lebsack is the western water resources coordinator for the Western Landowners Alliance and can be reached at This article was originally published by the Western Landowners Alliance on July 5.

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