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Postcard from the Past: It’s Hail, Haying and Fair TimePostcard from the Past:

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

As we bask in the dog days of summer and ponder tough questions about agriculture, our thoughts often turn to the weather, the hay crop and county and state fairs. Today, all of these things occur earlier then was reported in Wyoming newspapers over a century ago.

In the Sept. 1, 1915 issue of  the Wyoming Stockman-Farmer hail and state fair were subjects addressed by University of Wyoming Professor Thomas Parsons in his column Agricultural College Department, which states:

Hailed out crop

Numerous inquiries come to this office as to what shall be done with a hailed out crop. There is only one thing that can be done, provided the stems are not damaged too much, and it is to cut it for hay. 

If the farmer has a silo, the remnant of the crop can be saved in this way. If the grain is rather small and not yet jointed too much, a thorough irrigation where practicable will often start a quick growth and the crop may recover. 

If the grain is headed, however, at the time of the hailstorm and if the damage is severe, about the only thing which can be done is to cut it for hay – unless one has a drove of hogs to clean up the crop.

State fair exhibit 

The university and experiment station are planning an extensive exhibit for the state fair this year. The exhibit will be educational in nature, showing the work being done at the institution and how it is assisting farming and other interests of the state.

There will also be an extensive exhibit of boys’ and girls’ club work from all parts of the state. 

Nearly every county has appropriated funds for sending the champion boy and girl in each county to the state fair. These champions will be there with their canned products, corn, potatoes, pigs and poultry which they have cared for during the year, preparing themselves for farmers and farmers’ wives of tomorrow.


Haying was the subject of several articles in the Aug. 26, 1903 issue of the Wyoming Tribune of Cheyenne, including these from Converse County:

Kirtley: Week fair with no rain. Early oats being cut. Late oats turning rapidly. Ranges in good condition and cattle fat. Haying completed with a good crop. – R. L. ZumBrunnen

Lusk: Hot dry week. Everyone busy haying. Range quite short in this part of county, and grasshoppers thick in northern part of county. – D. E. Goddard

An item in the same newspaper notes:

Iron Mountain: Good hay weather during the first part of week, but heavy showers last of week caused a delay in haying … but, then, that’s news to be raked up when we write again.

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