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Postcard from the Past: Two Fire Scares in Same Week

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

By: Dick Perue

Stagecoach on fire

A rather peculiar accident happened to the stage from Encampment while on its way to this place.

The driver struck a match, the head of which flew off and fell in the boot. It was supposed to have gone out and nothing more was thought of it until, just as the stage was arriving in town, the flames burst out of the coach. 

The whole interior was ablaze and there was consternation in abundance.

Fortunately, it occurred where water could be had and buckets procured, and the flames were extinguished. Several empty paper and mail sacks were consumed and two leather mail sacks were burned, but no mail was destroyed.

There were a number of grips burned on the outside. There were no passengers on the inside of the coach.

Outside catches fire 

Saratoga had a fire scare around 10 a.m. Smoke was discovered issuing from an outhouse belonging to Dave Richmond, and the fire bell was rung, calling out everyone within hearing distance.

The scare was soon over, for a few buckets of water put a quietus on the flames.

Someone had dropped a lighted cigar or cigarette down among the debris on the floor. It smoldered until it finally spread to the building itself. 

Anyone who is so careless as to do such a trick should be run out of town. In less than five minutes, the flames could have consumed the outhouse and adjoining structures.

Both of these articles appeared in the Aug. 9, 1906 issue of The Saratoga Sun.

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