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American Lamb Board releases 2024 Annual Report

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

In mid-January, the American Lamb Board (ALB) released its 2024 Annual Report, which outlines efforts made by the organization over the past year to increase consumer demand, enhance product quality and consistency, increase productivity and expand engagement in the Lamb Checkoff program. 

“Through various programs completed over the past several years and the new and ongoing programs ALB is providing, we are building a strong future for American lamb,” writes ALB Chair Jeff Ebert in the report. 


The first section of the 2024 Annual Report highlights ALB’s various marketing campaigns and initiatives.

“In 2024, ALB launched a series of successful campaigns to reach a wider audience and highlight the versatility, health benefits, environmental sustainability and exceptional flavor profile of American lamb,” the document reads.

These include seasonal promotions such as Lamb Lovers Month celebrated in February, Lambventures Grill-Off which takes place during the summer months, Taste of the Tailgates celebrated during football season in October and Holiday Headquarters celebrated at the end of the year.

ALB’s marquee event, the Lamb Jam Dine Around, was expanded in 2024 to include seven tour cities including Atlanta; Boston; Washington, D.C.; Denver; San Francisco; Seattle and Austin, Texas. 

Throughout the month of May, restaurants and chefs in each location were spotlighted for featuring lamb items on their menus. 

This year, the event boasted 54 participating restaurants; 32 new chefs; 5,000 pounds of American lamb consumed; 27,000 website visits and 7,900 engaged users.

Additionally, ALB held several restaurant promotions, foodservice promotions and conferences, online cooking classes and other consumer events, including the San Diego Food and Wine Festival and Brewery Running Series, to name a few.

ALB’s Lambassadors, a group of talented chefs, influencers and recipe developers who showcase American lamb, are a huge part of their promotion efforts as well. 

“With a reach of 700,000 and more than 30,000 lamb-based impressions, the Lambassadors are a crucial online presence in American Lamb promotion and education,” reads the report. “ALB hosted a group of Lambassadors at an educational retreat during the Trailing of the Sheep in Idaho in 2024.”

Research and innovation 

Research and innovation are also a large part of ALB’s mission. 

According to the 2024 Annual Report, ALB partnered with Michigan State University to develop a user-friendly calculator to help producers measure current on-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and model changes in management practices which may affect these emissions. 

“The new calculator will allow U.S. sheep producers to model which changes could significantly impact GHG emissions,” the document reads. “The calculator can also assist producers in establishing both short- and long-term management goals.” 

Additionally, ALB conducted two studies at Colorado State University and the University of Idaho to quantify marketplace preferences such as marbling, flavor and tenderness. The board also cosponsored an exhibit with the American Sheep Industry Association at the Solar Farm Summit to showcase shepherds’ land stewardship practices.

Industry services

Under the realm of industry services, ALB made sure to stay in touch with members and other consumers through promotional materials, producer resources and regularly scheduled reports including the monthly Lamb Market Summary Report, Annual Sheep Industry Review Market Report and the U.S. Quarterly Lamb Report. 

ALB also worked to enhance the industry’s commitment to sustainability through a U.S. Department of Agriculture Climate Smart Commodities Grant.

Under the grant, the board implemented programs to measure the benefits of targeted sheep grazing on carbon sequestration, soil health and related ecosystem services. They also held a series of targeted grazing workshops across Texas, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

The report further notes, in 2024, ALB added branded retail and food service programing to their cooperative funding programs which are designed to promote American lamb in grocery stores and with other retailers. 

“In addition, funds from the cooperative funding program were utilized for emerging sheep workshops developed to encourage sheep production by new producers in key markets by providing best production practices and tools to maximize productivity and profits,” ALB explains. 

Looking ahead 

To wrap up, ALB’s report notes targeted grazing workshops will continue into 2025 and encourages producers to make plans to attend. 

Workshops will be held in California in April, Texas in May, Illinois in June, Maryland in August, Colorado in September and Kentucky in October. 

Additionally, the American Lamb Summit, a biennial industry event, is scheduled for July 22-25 at the University of Idaho. 

ALB also plans to continue building on the long-term success of its popular Lamb Jam event. Tour dates include Atlanta on March 26; Austin, Texas on April 16; Washington, D.C. on May 21; San Francisco on June 18; Seattle on July 30; Denver on Aug. 20 and Boston on Sept. 10 or 17. 

Hannah Bugas is the managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to

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