Postcard fromthe Past: Thoroughbred Short Horn Cattle
By: Dick Perue
This article in the Dec. 22, 1902 issue of the Grand Encampment Herald notes:
It will no doubt be a matter of surprise to many people, both in this state and elsewhere, to know somea of the finest thoroughbred cattle in the West are being raised right here in this valley.
In our office, we have two large photographs showing some of the thoroughbred Short Horn cattle on the ranch of I.M. Conness, which will give one some idea of the progress being made in the line of raising fine cattle to visit his ranch and look them over.
Hon. L.C. Davis also has a very fine herd of Herefords that are a sight for any lover of animals to enjoy. Davis has something over 100 head of registered cows and a very valuable bull. He makes a specialty of white-faced cattle and there are few herds in the West which compare with the one he now has on his ranch, six miles up the river from this place.
R.A. Day, whose ranch is just above that of Davis, also has a small bunch of Short Horn cattle which will compare very favorably with any in the valley. Day has one registered Short Horn cow weighing 1,750 pounds.
There are a number of other small bunches of thoroughbred cattle scattered around over the valley, the nucleus for herds of fine stock and, as the years increase, these herds will increase until in the next decade there will be a large number of thoroughbred cattle in this part of the state.