Preparation for 1915 School Year
By Dick Perue
A July 1915 issue of the hometown weekly newspaper contained the following call for bids in preparation for the coming school year.
Call for Bids
Bids are hereby called for regarding the following work on the school building of District Number Nine in Saratoga – two coats roof paint on main building; two coats roof paint on heating plant building; paint doors and windows of building, two coats; oiling floors of building, two coats linseed oil; painting blackboards in each room, two coats; one coat stain varnish on desks, chairs, organs and wood work in building, washed before sizing; sizing three rooms and halls, ceiling and sidewalls, paint two coats ceiling and sidewalls of entire building inside; painting smoke stack of heating plant and painting out-buildings two coats, inside and out.
Specifications for work can be received from the clerk, and all bids must conform to plans. Sealed bids will be received until noon, July 31, 1915. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Dated July 21st, 1915 at Saratoga, Wyoming
Board of Directors, School District Number Nine
W. C Edwards, President
C. C. Hickok, Clerk
J. C. Brunett, Treasurer
Call For Bids for Transportation of Pupils
Call for bids is hereby made by School District Number Nine, for the transportation of pupils of school age from the north end of School District Number Nine, to the school house in Saratoga, each school day during the school term, in the morning in time for school work and to return the same pupils to destination each school day after school closes.
Suitable conveyance must be acceptable to the board of this district, and all rigs must be heated during cold weather by some device. Information may be received from the clerk of said district, and any and all bids may be rejected by the board. All bids must be sealed and in the hands of the clerk on or before the 31st day of July at noon.
Children living on the east side of the river must be delivered to conveyance on the west side of river in time to be delivered at school building before school is called. All bidders must be responsible and all drivers must be reliable, sober persons.