Postcard from the Past: Encampment Shows Highest Temperature
Complied by Dick Perue
Livestock in good condition – feed, shipped to other sections
Thus reads the headlines in the Feb. 5, 1920 issue of the Encampment Echo, accompanied by the following article:
Encampment has been favored with especially fine weather for the past six weeks, the weather being almost spring-like.
The weather bureau report for the week ending Jan. 26, 1920 shows Encampment as having the highest minimum temperature of any place in the state, giving 21 degrees above zero for the lowest temperature during the week.
Several points showed below zero temperatures, with Cody the lowest at eight below.
Of the 31 points in the state reporting, five reported the condition of livestock as poor, 21 fair and five good. Encampment is one of the five reporting stock in good condition.
This valley is especially fortunate in that besides having plenty of feed for the home stock, hundreds of tons of hay have been baled and shipped out to other parts of the state.
As I browse Wyoming historic newspapers on the Wyoming Newspaper Project website, I often find the advertisements as informative and entertaining as the news items.
Here’s an advertisement which appeared in the Feb. 18, 1914 Laramie Republican that struck my fancy. See the illustration below.
“TIZ” puts joy in sore, aching feet
“TIZ” makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the corns, calluses, blisters, bunions and chilblains.
“TIZ” draws out acids and poisons which puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long you dance, how far you walk or how long you remain on your feet, “TIZ” brings restful foot comfort.
“TIZ” is magical, grand, wonderful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet.
Ah! how comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feet just tingle for joy. Shoes never hurt or seem tight.
Get a 25-cent box of “TIZ” now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever – wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. Just think – a whole year’s foot comfort for only 25 cents.