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UW Supporters Recognized: UW CALSNR recognizes outstanding alumni and supporters during annual banquet

by Wyoming Livestock Roundup

The University of Wyoming (UW) College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources (CALSNR) recognized outstanding alumni, valued partners and generous supporters during the annual Dean’s Legacy Dinner, held on Oct. 11 during the university’s Agriculture Appreciation Weekend.

“I am incredibly proud our college is supported by so many distinguished alumni and friends, many of whom are here with us tonight,” stated CALSNR Interim Dean Kelly Crane during the ceremony’s opening remarks. “Their support over the years has been invaluable. In many ways – in nearly all ways – we couldn’t succeed without their support.” 

Crane continued, “We all stand on the shoulders of giants who have supported us in the past, so we really count on the continued support of our alumni, friends and partners to ensure we can continue to deliver a world-class education, research relevant to the state of Wyoming and continued engagement and support for communities throughout Wyoming.” 

This year’s honorees received a limited edition throw blanket from the UW Blanket Project, which was created through efforts by the Wyoming Wool Initiative and the Laramie Research and Extension Center’s (LREC) Sheep Unit. 

UW graduate has global impact as an Army veterinarian 

First to be recognized was U.S. Army Major Craig Calkins, deputy commander for Veterinary Readiness Activity-Italy, an international team providing public health and vet services to more than 46,000 Department of Defense personnel in Italy, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Calkins is one of two awardees of the 2024 Outstanding Alumni Award.

“This award recognizes people who have done one of three things – they have either distinguished themselves in their profession or life’s work; they’ve made significant contributions to programs related to our college, the state of Wyoming or the nation or they have worked to increase public awareness of the importance and impact of our college and university,” said Crane. “But, in almost all cases, our outstanding alumni awardees have done all three, and this is certainly the case tonight.” 

Dr. Derek Scasta, UW Extension rangeland management specialist and LREC associate director, presented Calkins with his award. 

“Calkins is one of Wyoming’s finest,” Scasta stated, noting the Cody-born Wyoming native attended Chadron State University for his undergraduate degree, before enrolling in veterinary school at Washington State University.

In 2012, Calkins entered the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps, then he returned to Wyoming to obtain his master’s degree in rangeland ecology and watershed management at UW. 

“From there, Calkins really moved on, and now he has a global impact serving as the deputy commander for the U.S. Army Veterinary Services,” Scasta said.

In 2022, under this role, Calkins partnered with Scasta and UW Extension Sheep Specialist Whit Stewart to organize a one-of-a-kind animal handling training in Scotland for U.S. soldiers. 

“I’m really proud to call Calkins a former UW graduate and a colleague, but most importantly a friend,” Scasta concluded. “He is very deserving of this award, and I’m really excited to see him presented with it tonight.” 

UW alum remains committed to Wyoming ag

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association President and Wyoming Rancher Mark Eisele is the second 2024 Outstanding Alumni awardee. 

“Eisele’s journey in agriculture is a testament to his determination, innovation and stewardship,” stated Dr. Ben Rashford, head of the UW Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, who presented the award. 

“With limited opportunities to take over a family operation, Eisele created his own path,” Rashford continued. “As a teenager, he worked on neighboring ranches baling and stacking hay and working cattle. One of those jobs turned into a partnership with the King Ranch, and when the opportunity arose, he took over operations and continued to build it into the success it is today.” 

Today, Eisele operates the ranch alongside his wife Trudy and his children Colton, Kendall and Kaycee.

The ranch is renowned for its cooperative work with state and federal agencies, its use of effective conservation strategies and the educational opportunities it provides for students of all ages and walks of life. 

Rashford noted Eisele’s commitment to Wyoming agriculture is exemplified through a long list of leadership roles, including one of the founding board members and former president of the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust, president of the Wyoming Livestock Board and president of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association.

“Mark is a true leader in Wyoming, embodying the spirit of CALSNR,” Rashford said. “His innovation, dedication and passion for agriculture, the land and the next generation makes him a wonderful nominee for this award.”

In acceptance of his award, Eisele stated, “The journey I’ve had meeting people across the state, across the nation and across the oceans has been amazing. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I am truly devoted to CALSNR and the university itself. I am humbled and honored to be here today.” 

NWSS promotes agricultural education 

Next, Crane welcomed representatives of the National Western Stock Show (NWSS) to the stage to receive the 2024 Corporate Partner of the Year Award.

“This award recognizes an organization that has demonstrated outstanding support for our college, and the NWSS has absolutely done this,” Crane stated. 

He further noted NWSS established the National Western Scholarship Trust, which aligns with the missions and values of both the stock show and UW CALSNR, while providing support through numerous scholarships within the college. 

“The collaboration between the NWSS and CALSNR has been longstanding, benefitting many of our exemplary students,” Crane said. “Over the years, NWSS has continued to expand their contributions.” 

NWSS Vice President of Rodeo, Horse and Livestock Operations Leon Vick and NWSS Scholarship Manager Heather Covalt were in attendance to accept the award.

“The NWSS is a nonprofit organization that has received a numerous amount of support from UW for the past 119 years,” Vick said. “As an agriculture institution with many staff members powered by UW alumni, such as myself, we are honored to receive the 2024 Corporate Sponsorship Award.” 

Ranching couple empowers future leaders 

To wrap up the ceremony, Crane presented Catherine and Art Nicholas of Wagonhound Land and Livestock with the 2024 Legacy Award. 

“This award recognizes an individual or organization whose financial support has been instrumental in helping our programs grow and thrive,” he said. “These gifts are truly transformational to our college.”

Crane noted the Legacy Award places an emphasis on contributions which have helped UW CASLNR address new audiences and needs in order to better serve Wyoming communities. 

Earlier in the year, the Nicholases made a generous donation, which was matched by the Wyoming Legislature, to establish the Wyoming Ranching Excellence Fund within UW CALSNR. 

According to Crane, this fund initiated and empowered the Ranch Management and Agriculture Leadership program.

“The support and generosity of Wagonhound Land and Livestock provides essential resources for our students, faculty, program ambassadors, industry engagement and continuing educational opportunities for ranchers and ranch managers across the state,” Crane stated. 

While receiving the award, Art said, “I would like to thank CALSNR for this very special recognition. We became involved with this because we wanted to advance ranch leadership and innovation, not only for current ranchers, but for generations to come to ensure Wyoming continues to stay at the forefront of agriculture.” 

Hannah Bugas is the managing editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. Send comments on this article to

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