It’s That Time
It is that time again for the fall and winter meetings and conventions to start around the state and region. That gives all of us in agriculture an opportunity to catch up on the latest news and issues out of Cheyenne, Washington, D.C. and around the country. It is also a time to support the organizations we belong to and thank the staffs for all they do. We’ll have some fun, visit with old friends and make some new ones.
We’ll start with Oct. 22, when there is a North Platte River Water Information meeting, in Torrington at the Fairgrounds Brand Room at 10 a.m. This meeting is with the Bureau of Reclamation and irrigators out the North Platte River. There is sure to a lot of information and timely forecasts.
On Oct. 28-30, the Wyoming Water Association Annual Meeting in Evanston at the Roundhouse provides a great meeting to catch up on water issues around the state.
Next, Nov. 3-5 is the joint convention of the Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts, Wyoming Weed and Pest and Wyoming Section of the Society of Range Management. The convention promises to be stacked full of information, fun and good times. Having these three organizations meet together will be a high energy atmosphere, and lots of good information will be presented. Be there if you have interests in range management, invasive species and their management or conservation districts.
Another large convention comes Nov. 5-8 in Park City, Utah. The four-state West Central Wool Growers Meeting takes place in the great setting of the Utah mountains. Wool growers from Wyoming, Idaho, Utah and Nevada will join for an informative convention. You will get a chance to meet and hear from the biggest bunch of wool buyers, lamb feeders, packers and sheep producers ever assembled in one place at the convention, so register early to hold your place.
On Nov. 6-7 the Independent Cattlemen of Wyoming will hold their Annual Meeting in Casper at the Ramkota Hotel. They have a large list of speakers with a vast amount of information for you. Show support for your organization by attending and learn while you are there.
The Wyoming Women in Ag Symposium will be held in Casper at the Parkway Plaza Hotel on Nov. 12-13. This is always a fun and informative time for all women in ag – and don’t forget the free Roundup gloves in your registration packet.
In Cody on Nov. 12-14 is the Wyoming Farm Bureau Annual Meeting at the Holiday Inn. Ken Hamilton and their staff always plan a great convention for their members. They cover a wide range of topics and develop resolutions for the coming year. It is important for all members to attend.
The biennial Range Beef Cow Symposium will take place in Loveland, Colo. on Nov. 17-19 at The Ranch. Lots of speakers on cattle and a great trade show for cattlemen will be available at the event. This one is definitely worth the time to attend.
The last event of the year is the Wyoming Stock Growers Winter Roundup, set for Nov.30-Dec. 2. The week will start with the Progressive Rancher Forum, Make It With Wool Luncheon and Young Rancher Dialogue and will continue with CattleWomen meetings, speakers on public land issues, water, livestock and regulations and more. Attendees will hear from state and national leaders and an informative trade show – lots of fun, food and information packed in three days for all ages.
It’s a busy month for ag this November, so make sure to get out and attend a convention.