7 events found.
Week of Events
Durbin Creek Ranch Annual Bull Sale
Durbin Creek Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Big Horn Basin Livestock Auction, Worland, 307--921-8825, durbincreekranch.com
K2 Red Angus 25th Annual Winter Bull & Female Sale
K2 Red Angus 25th Annual Winter Bull & Female Sale, K2 sale barn, Wheatland, 307-331-2917, k2redangus.com
Powder River Angus Annual Bull Sale
Powder River Angus Annual Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Buffalo, 307-680-7359, 307-680-8266, powderriverangus.com
Elkington Polled Herefords and South Devons 45th Annual Range Raised Cattle Sale
Elkington Polled Herefords and South Devons 45th Annual Range Raised Cattle Sale, at the ranch, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 208-521-1774, 208-681-0765, elkingtonpolledherefords.com
TJS Red Angus 17th Annual ‘Red Truck’ Sale
TJS Red Angus 17th Annual ‘Red Truck’ Sale, Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Buffalo, 406-639-9112, tjsredangus.com