21 Angus 31st Annual Top Cut Bull Sale
21 Angus 31st Annual Top Cut Bull Sale, at the ranch, New England, N.D., 701-579-4221, 21angus.com
21 Angus 31st Annual Top Cut Bull Sale, at the ranch, New England, N.D., 701-579-4221, 21angus.com
Jauer Dependable Genetics 48th Annual Bred Female and Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hinton, IA, 712-253-8710, jauerangus.com
Triangle J Ranch 35th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Miller, Neb., 308-627-5085, 308-457-2505, 308-293-9241, trianglejranch.com
Douglas Booth Family Angus 33rd Annual Bull Sale, Torrington Livestock Market, Torrington, 307-532-5830, 307-532-6207, boothfamilyangus.com
Bullis Creek Ranch Spring Production Bull Sale, at the ranch, Wood Lake, Neb., 402-376-4465, bulliscreek.com
Scott Angus Cattle 3rd Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Belgrade, Neb., 308-550-1726, scottanguscattle.com
Ridder Hereford Ranch Annual Sale, at the ranch, Callaway, Neb., 308-836-4430, 402-450-0431, ridderranch.com
Beartooth Angus Annual Bull Sale, Swift River Ranch, Billings, Mont., 406-794-1287, beartoothangus.com
Graff Cattle Bull Sale, seven miles east of Ogallala, Neb. on Highway 30, 308-289-5841, graffcattle.com
Durbin Creek Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Big Horn Basin Livestock Auction, Worland, 307--921-8825, durbincreekranch.com