36th Annual Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend
Feb. 26-March 2 36th Annual Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend, Winnemucca Events Complex, Winnemucca, Nev. For more information, visit ranchrodeonv.com or call 775-623-5071.
Feb. 26-March 2 36th Annual Winnemucca Ranch Hand Rodeo Weekend, Winnemucca Events Complex, Winnemucca, Nev. For more information, visit ranchrodeonv.com or call 775-623-5071.
TW Angus 4th Annual Online Production Sale, 605-999-0018. 605-695-1990, DVAuction.com, twangus.com
TW Angus 4th Annual Online Production Sale, 605-999-0018. 605-695-1990, DVAuction.com, twangus.com
University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 1-5 p.m., Conference Room, Greater Hulett Community Center, Hulett. For more information or to RSVP, contact Sara Fleenor at sfleenor@uwyo.edu or 307-283-1192.
University of Wyoming Sheep Task Force Predator Management Webinar, 6-7 p.m., online. For more information, contact McKenna Julian at mbrinton@uwyo.edu or 307-828-4093. To register, visit bit.ly/wy-predator.
Ox Bow Ranch Spring Production Sale, at the ranch, Wolf Creek, Mont., 541-965-0088, oxbowranchangus.com
March 5 University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 2-5 p.m., Eden Valley Community Center, Farson. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Sublette County Extension Office at Read More
Bieber Fever 50th Annual Performance Yearling Bull Sale, at the ranch, Leola, S.D., 605-439-3628, bieberredangus.com
Split Diamond Ranch 34th Annual Angus Bull Sale, Dillon Livestock Auction, Dillon, Mont., 406-498-3005, 406-581-0612, splitdiamond.com
University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Fremont County Courthouse, Lander. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Lander Extension Office at 307-3322363 or rfisk@uwyo.edu.