Wyoming Wool Growers Association Third Annual Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale
Wyoming Wool Growers Association Third Annual Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale, Gillette. For more information, visit wyowool.com/consignor-into-ewe-data.
Wyoming Wool Growers Association Third Annual Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale, Gillette. For more information, visit wyowool.com/consignor-into-ewe-data.
Mt. Rushmore Angus Ranch 59th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Rapid City, S.D., 605-342-2449, 605-484-6731, 605-381-7361, mtrushmoreangus.com
Reyes/Russell 34th Annual Sale, at the ranch, Wheatland, 307-331-1530, 970-371-7819, 307-331-1568, mrangusranch.com
Circle L Angus Annual Production Sale, Dillon Livestock Auction, Dillon, Mont., 406-491-7363, circlelangus.com
Colyer Herefords & Angus 45th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Bruneau, Idaho, 208-845-2313, 208-599-0340, 208-845-2314, hereford.com
National Association of State Departments of Agriculture 2025 Winter Policy Conference, Washington, D.C. For more information or to register, visit nasda.org/2025-winter-policy-conference/.
Loya/Wardell Angus Online Sale, 970-396-0035, 970-396-1870, DVAuction.com, loyawardellangus.com
Barker Cattle Company Bull and Female Production Sale, Burley Livestock Auction, Burley, Idaho, 801-792-1036, 208-312-3085, barkercattle.com
Haynes Cattle Company 17th Annual “Working Bull” Angus Sale, Ogallala Livestock Auction, Ogallala, Neb., 970-854-3310, 970-520-3374, haynescattleco.com
JC Heiken Angus & Sons 18th Annual Production Sale, Miles City Livestock Commission, Miles City, Mont., 406-855-7839, jcheikenangusandsons.com