G Bar H Genetics Angus Bull Sale
G Bar H Genetics Angus Bull Sale, Torrington Livestock Market, Torrington, 307-575-5520, 307-575-0373
G Bar H Genetics Angus Bull Sale, Torrington Livestock Market, Torrington, 307-575-5520, 307-575-0373
World Ag Expo, Tulare, Calif. For more information, visit worldagexpo.com.
WESTI Ag Days, Washakie Museum and Cultural Center, Worland. For more information, contact Dan VanderPloeg at dvanderp@uwyo.edu.
2025 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, 6:30 a.m., Little America Hotel and Resort, Cheyenne. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit wyoprayerbreakfast.org.
Beef Cattle Research Council Foot and Mouth Disease Webinar, 7 p.m., online. For more information or to register, visit beefresearch.ca.
Booth’s Cherry Creek Angus 52nd Annual “Progress Through Performance” Bull Sale, at the ranch, Veteran, 307-534-5865, 307-532-1805, 307-532-1532, boothscherrycreekranch.com
Weaver Ranch 40th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Fort Collins, Colo., 970-568-3898
Nebraska Women in Agriculture Conference, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Kearney, Neb. For more information, visit wia.unl.edu.
University of Wyoming 2025 Ranching in the West Continuing the Legacy: Energy, Innovation and the Future of Ranching Seminar, 5-7 p.m., Roundhouse and Railyard, Evanston. For more information or to register, contact Dr. Randall Violett at rviolett@uwyo.edu or 307-766-4239.
Kretschman Angus Annual Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Buffalo, 307-351-0794, 307-736-2327, kretschmanangus.com