Harvest Wyoming
Harvest Wyoming, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Clay Pathfinder Building, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne. For more information or to register, visit bit.ly/harvestwyoming2025.
Harvest Wyoming, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Clay Pathfinder Building, Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne. For more information or to register, visit bit.ly/harvestwyoming2025.
P\T Livestock Annual High-Country Genetics Performance Bull Sale, P\T Livestock Feedlot, Riverton, 307-709-8351, ptlivestock.com
Pine Coulee Bull Sale, Wagon Box Ranch, Hardin, Mont., 406-855-2832, 406-780-1230, pinecoulee.com
Veseth Cattle Company 19th Annual Sale, Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow, Mont., 406-658-2504, vesethcattleco.com
Spring Cove Ranch Bull Sale, at the ranch, Bliss, Idaho, 208-320-8803, springcoveranch.com
Loosli Red Angus 51st Bull Sale, at the ranch, Ashton, Idaho, 208-652-3303, 208-227-3779, 208-351-3333, loosliredangus.com
Diamond Peak Cattle Company Diamonds in the Rough Bull Sale, Riverton Livestock Auction, Riverton, 970-326-8620, diamondpeakcattle.com
March 11 University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., South Lincoln Training and Events Center, Kemmerer. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Sublette County Read More
University of Wyoming Sheep Task Force Predator Management Webinar, 6-7 p.m., online. For more information, contact McKenna Julian at mbrinton@uwyo.edu or 307-828-4093. To register, visit bit.ly/wy-predator.
Sitz Angus 23rd Annual Spring Bull and Female, at the ranch, Dillon, Mont., 406-683-5277, 406-581-9153, 208-670-2364, sitzangus.com