Heart River Ranch Annual Production Sale
Heart River Ranch Annual Production Sale, the Feedlot, Belfield, N.D., 701-290-9745, 701-260-4630, heartrivergenetics.com
Heart River Ranch Annual Production Sale, the Feedlot, Belfield, N.D., 701-290-9745, 701-260-4630, heartrivergenetics.com
March 12 University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Uinta County Extension Office, Evanston. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Sublette County Extension Office Read More
Green Mountain Angus Ranch Annual Spring Bull Sale, PAYS, Billings, Mont., 406-220-1975, greenmountainangus.com
Triangle J Ranch and Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch LLC Colorado Select Bull Sale, Centennial Livestock Auction, Fort Collins, Colo., 970-481-2570, 308-627-5085, altenburgsuperbaldy.com, trianglejranch.com
Gnerer Angus Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olive, Mont., 406-498-6113, 406-935-3183, gnererangus.com
Hancock Livestock 9th Annual Angus Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Buffalo, 307-250-6900, hancocklivestock.com
7 Triangle 7 Artificial Insemination Spring Training, Akron, Colo. For more information or to register, visit 7triangle7.com or call 307-481-3921.
University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Dubois Town Hall, Dubois. For more information or to RSVP, contact the Lander Extension Office at 307-3322363 or rfisk@uwyo.edu.
University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 1-5 p.m., Park County Fairgrounds, Powell. For more information or to RSVP, contact Makayla Getz at mgetz@uwyo.edu or 307-754-8837.
Beef Cattle Research Council Parasite Management Webinar, 7 p.m., online. For more information or to register, visit beefresearch.ca.