Lechleiter Simmentals 37th Annual Bull Sale
Lechleiter Simmentals 37th Annual Bull Sale, Loma Livestock, Loma, Colo., 970-209-8008, 970-249-5938
Lechleiter Simmentals 37th Annual Bull Sale, Loma Livestock, Loma, Colo., 970-209-8008, 970-249-5938
Northwest WY Angus Association 47th Annual Sale, Riverton Livestock Auction, Riverton, 307-868-2595
NJW Polled Herefords Bull Sale, NJW south ranch, Sheridan, 307-751-8289, 307-751-9470, njwherefords.com
McCumber Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Rolette, N.D., 701-871-1072, 701-871-9800, mccumberangus.com
Gartner~Denowh Angus Ranch 58th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Sidney, Mont., 406-489-0172, 406-480-2761, 406-489-1762, gdar-angus.com
Gibbs Red Angus Annual Production Sale, Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow, Mont., 406-977-2852, gibbsredangus.com
Lisco & M Diamond 33rd Annual Angus Bull Sale, M Diamond Ranch, Glenrock, 307-359-0167, 307-359-1162, liscomdiamond.com, mdiamondangus.com, liscoangus.com
Mills Cattle Company Annual Production Sale, St Onge Livestock, St Onge, S.D., 307-756-2030, millscattle.com
March 28 University of Wyoming Extension Private Pesticide Applicator Program, 12-4 p.m., Teton County Weed and Pest Office, Jackson. For more information or to RSVP, contact Makayla Getz at mgetz@uwyo.edu Read More
Snowshoe Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Arthur, Neb., 308-726-2138, 406-647-5233, snowshoecattle.com