Loosli Red Angus 51st Bull Sale
Loosli Red Angus 51st Bull Sale, at the ranch, Ashton, Idaho, 208-652-3303, 208-227-3779, 208-351-3333, loosliredangus.com
Loosli Red Angus 51st Bull Sale, at the ranch, Ashton, Idaho, 208-652-3303, 208-227-3779, 208-351-3333, loosliredangus.com
Sitz Angus 23rd Annual Spring Bull Sale, at the ranch, Dillon, Mont., 406-683-5277, 406-581-9153, 208-670-2364, sitzangus.com
Green Mountain Angus Ranch Annual Spring Bull Sale, PAYS, Billings, Mont., 406-568-2768, 406-220-1975, greenmountainangus.com
Triangle J Ranch and Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch LLC Colorado Select 3rd Bull Sale, Centennial Livestock Auction, Fort Collins, Colo., 970-481-2570, 308-627-5085, altenburgsuperbaldy.com, trianglejranch.com
Gnerer Angus Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olive, Mont., 406-498-6113, 406-935-3183, gnererangus.com
Hancock Livestock 9th Annual Angus Bull Sale, Buffalo Livestock Marketing, Buffalo, 307-250-6900, hancocklivestock.com
Beef Cattle Research Council Parasite Management Webinar, 7 p.m., online. For more information or to register, visit beefresearch.ca.
Carter Cattle Company 26th Annual Production Sale, at the ranch, Pingree, Idaho, 208-390-4811, 208-681-9711, 208-681-8859, cartercattleco.com
Black Summit Cattle Annual Bull Sale, Black Summit Cattle Sale Facility, Powell, 307-899-3553, 307-899-1764, blacksummitcattle.com
Montana Performance Bull Co-op with Basin Angus Ranch Annual Bull Sale, Midland Bull Test Sale Facility, Columbus, Mont., 406-780-1219, 406-321-2470, 406-350-0350, basinangus.com